ADR Services are billed at an Hourly rate of $300.00.
Fees charged will typically include all necessary activities, such as document review, telephone calls and emails, preparation of any required documents and correspondence, and the ADR event itself.
Fees and expenses are allocated between the parties as ordered by the court or by agreement. If there is no order or agreement, fees and costs shall be apportioned equally to each party, or as appropriate.
Travel Time and Expense
For services rendered within St. Joseph, Elkhart, and LaPorte counties in Indiana, and Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren counties in Michigan, there is no fee or mileage charge for travel.
For services be rendered in beyond the above noted counties, travel will be billed at an Hourly rate $150.00.
Matters requiring travel by air transportation will include a charge for the cost of tickets, lodging, meals, car rental, and related expenses.
Facility, Materials, and Support
ZOOM ADR sessions are available.
Facilities for ADR events are available without charge at the office in St. Joseph, Michigan.
ADR events will be typically held at the office of counsel or other locations by agreement of the parties.
Where a separate facility is necessary for the ADR event, that charge shall be added to the billing without markup.
Where reporting services, transcripts, and other related services and material are required, those expenses shall be added to the billing without markup.
If outside food or beverage service is required, those expenses shall be added to the billing without markup.
Mediations and facilitations are typically scheduled for half days.
Morning sessions can start as early as 8:00 a.m. and afternoons at 1 p.m. Additional time and alternate starting and ending times can be arranged. Please include this information in your request for reservation or by separate email.
Please include case number, caption, venue, names of all parties and counsel, contact information for counsel, and preferred location of the ADR event.
For all ADR events please provide us with your best estimate of the necessary time for the event by phone or email, and include any special matters and special arrangements, if necessary.